Coachella 2010 has come and gone, and I shot a ton of video this year.  The footage from my new camcorder is absolutely incredible. So incredible, that AEG decided to flag my Jay-Z/Beyonce- Forever Young video with a copyright infringement claim.

This is the 2nd time in my account’s 3 year history that I’ve received a copyright violation strike. One more and my entire YouTube account will be suspended/disabled. The first strike happened in 2008 after posting  The Verve’s performance of Bittersweet Symphony at Coachella 2008. My guess is it was flagged by people representing The Rolling Stones since the song samples one of their tracks.

So yeah, my YouTube account is balancing on a tight wire now. So I’ve signed up “magmazingmusic” as a backup account should the worst happen.  It’d mean losing all my stats and my 600+ accumulated subscribers, not to mention having to reupload nearly 500 videos (if I chose to do that).

Ironically the Jay-Z video that was taken down and flagged was ripped by another YouTube user and reuploaded on their account without my consent  hasn’t been taken down. Go figure.

On another lame note I lost two memory cards at Coachella. One of them was my 32GB card that had the tail end of Them Crooked Vultures set and a couple tracks from Echo and The Bunnymen. Not happy with myself for that. It means I need to shell out another $200 on memory cards.

Anyway, I’m slowly uploading my hours of video. HD footage definitely takes longer, so I’m taking my time. It might actually benefit my channel’s following. People hopefully will keep coming back everyday to see what I’m posting.