Home Photos Photo Archive- 2012-11-26: Bruce Springsteen at Rogers Arena Photos Photo Archive- 2012-11-26: Bruce Springsteen at Rogers Arena By magmazing - December 4, 2012 802 0 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp While I was looking through my footage of Bruce Springsteen at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC I decided to capture some frame grabs since I didn’t take any photos. Here’s a bunch of my favourites in no particular order. [Show as slideshow] RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Photos Photo Archive- 2013-02-02: Emily Spiller & Ciseaux at Hermann’s Jazz Club Photos Photo Archive- 2013-02-01: Riley Smith and the Telesmashers & River at Lucky Bar Photos Photo Archive- 2013-01-29: Dominique Fricot at Lucky Bar Connect533FansLike367FollowersFollow925FollowersFollow